martes, enero 31, 2006

Congressos Internacionals

Age of Connectivity: Connecting the Generations

Nacions Unides

Underlying Themes:

How can global connectivity assist in resolving the complex challenges of a Graying Society?
What “blueprint” is needed?
What new mindsets and paradigms can emerge from the age of digital opportunity?
How to overcome the age-related digital divide and connect the generations?”
How can partnerships be developed which incorporate older persons' experience and augment their capacities?
How can ICT (information and communication technology) boost economic development in an ageing society?
How can ICT tools enhance life-long learning and employment?
What role can e-health play in improving the quality of life for people of all ages?

Simposio La Vejez y la construcción social de la edad: enfoques teóricos
y unidades analítico-metodológicas

El simposio se desarrollará en el marco del 52º
Congreso Internacional de Americanistas que tendrá lugar en Sevilla
(España), del 17 al 21 de julio de 2005.

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